Que es la biblia Latinoamericana Edición pastoral especialmente indicada para Latinoamérica, con presentación y comentarios de Bernardo Hurault. Con índices, pasajes paralelos y comentarios. La Biblia Latinoamericana se presenta en diferentes tamaños y encuadernaciones. Colección: La Biblia Latinoamericana Materia: Biblia Latinoamérica Tema: Sagradas Escrituras Destinatarios: Público en general Formato: 15,5 x 22 cm. Páginas: 1984 Características: - Tapas duras guaflex - Encuadernación en cartoné, azul, rojo y verde - Letra grande - Índices - Pasos paralelos - Comentarios
Posted by Unknown on 24th Jul 2015
this is exactly as i expected. My customers love it.....
Posted by Emilio Castro on 7th Jul 2014
I ordered 7 bibles they were all great and in very well conditions but I this one and the cover was on backwards I don't know if they actually assemble the bibles them selfs or they just get it from somewhere else I do expect a new bible. Other than that very good quality.